The best way to learn is to be unafraid of practicing with the locals. Going to markets where you have to communicate with many people is a fun way to learn basic Thai.
Few Basicz words in Thai which would be helpful for the beginners:
Hello = Sawa dee
Thank you (man says) = Kob Khun Krap
Thank you (woman says) = Kob Khun Ka
How are you? = Khun sabai di mai?
I am fine thanks = (man says) Pom sabai di krap.
I am fine thanks= (woman says) Chan sabai di ka.
Basically women say "ka" at the end of a sentence
while men say "krap".
You're welcome = Yin dee krap / ka
Wait = Roh sakru
I= pom (man)
I= chan (woman)
Come = ma
Come from = ma jak
I come from Australia = Pom ma jak pratet Australia (man)/
Chan ma jak pratet Australia (woman)
I love Thailand = Pom/chan rak Meuang Thai.
I love you= pom/chan rak khun
The word leu = past tense meaning it has happened already. The word is used at the end of the sentence to say something already happened.
I have come= ma leu
Go = pai
Gone already = pai leu
Go where = pai nai
Go soon = pai diauni
room= hong
water= nam
Toilet = hong nam
Where is the toilet? = hong nam yu nai?
to enter= kao
heart= jai
to understand = kao jai (literally: to enter the heart)
don't understand = mai kao jai
hope u have noted into ur diary