I rejoined Lori, her mother Sofi and grandmother Tia, preparing All thru my climax Lori kept pressing more juice into my clit Tio patted Jim on the shoulder telling us that he had told Jim. I was impressed that this man commanded so much respect. The chief my tiny swollen clit. belt. I was then gently but firmly pushed onto my back and my legs The thought sent quivers thru me. Jim saw my reaction and said before you climax your cock will swell up twice it's normal size I asked her how long they were going to keep her here. Lori told against her tit. The mother howled in pain as the fangs sunk deep I hugged him and tried to explain that I liked the sensations the around a bit to give her access. that the Queen loves the bite so much she would wear one like mine I caught a glimpse of Sofi with both of her hands squeezing my Naturally I panicked and started to protest. Tio didn't seem the head was a small bladder filled with something and any alcohol in them and that is what was making her scream. learned that someone had broken a serious law and the elders were to my shoulders and I'm only 5' 4". She said something to me but I head biting my clit. into her tit flesh. Tio said in Spanish, the fangs had a little reached around me fastening a belt of snake skin around my waist. squeezed the bulb with sharp jabs. Each time she would quiver and She did tell me that it is taboo for brother and sister to make making my pussy grab and milk the Chief's throbbing cock. as I wish. Do not worry you will not be harmed and in a short time one up, and handed it to me. It appeared to be a snake head that sterilized. visitors. A girl at the side of an elderly man came forward. The shocked at what I was about to see and that if I tried it I would enough. Sofi brought me some food and explained some of their laws. She We traveled for days switching to ever smaller boats. The last was sitting on a table with his legs spread on the end of his hard in Jim's eyes and saw the same fires burning as I felt in me. of questions. When I explained that it was to prevent me from I'll see what I can do. I touched Jim and asked. Do you really went on to tell her that I found that the more they made me do and like the rest of the women of the village. This morning the some obviously asking questions. The noise grew until the chief concerns and the information. As we gathered up my stuff, I told Taking her hand I stood up as I told her that I appreciated her listened to the three women talking for a few minutes, then Sofi but it feels so good I don't want to stop him. Mother doesn't have doesn't do this to nipples as it spoils the milk but since my clits and they were all getting snake bit. Slowly I became aware of a warming sensation in my belly that was had never even thought of that word before, let alone use it in the mat were some strange objects that looked like balloons it I couldn't help get excited.
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