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Messages - Guenmai

Pages: [1]
About Thailand / Re: Christmas destination advice
« on: September 21, 2012, 12:41:03 AM »

She may like Cha'am. Not too far from BKK, nice beach and not too difficult to access some of the islands. Also Hua Hin is within easy travelling distance. I stayed at the Rungaran de Challet. Nice place run by helpful couple. Beach metres away and some of the restaurants/bars very close. Lot to choose from so do a search. Would suggest that the quieter pace of life there may be suited to her purpose.

The resort on the IH CELTA website looks more modern and flashier than the Nugent, also the CELTA section on the Nugent site is written in the past tense ("we hosted CELTA courses from 2006-2012"), so I'm gathering the venue has recently moved.

I'm also going to be doing a CELTA course there, in November.

I am sure I am not the only one confused. My plans are to fly into BKK for 16 days US passport, no problems with visa. But midway, I hope to run down to Penang by train for a couple of days and then return to BKK. Does this complicate matters? Rather than search out a visa, I will drop the Malaysia trip.

This mall is full of art and antique shops. There are plenty of art boutiques/stalls on the ground floor, we purchased a buddha statue carved out of teak wood and incredible leather carvings....dis mall has more upscale art shops so prices here may be more expensive than those at the markets, but you are more likely to find authentic antiques here than at the outdoor markets...!

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