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Author Topic: pvkhb beats by dre iqjqei  (Read 2736 times)  Share 


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pvkhb beats by dre iqjqei
« on: September 12, 2012, 05:34:35 PM »
On Monday, the president's audience snickered, while he didn't crack a smile, and it took a few moments for him to adjust to reading his remarks without looking to his left, where there was now just an empty pole."The Human Rights Council is not the right place to discuss the issue," Hong said. beats by dre 2009-07-13 08:43TEGUCIGALPA: Honduran interim leader Roberto Micheletti said on Sunday ousted president Manuel Zelaya would not be allowed to return to power under any conditions but could be granted an amnesty if he comes home quietly to face justice."If he comes peacefully first to appear before the authorities ... I don't have any problem (with an amnesty for him)," Micheletti told Reuters in an interview at the presidential palace in Tegucigalpa in a room guarded by five heavily armed soldiers.
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A supporter of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya holds a poster before a march in San Pedro Sula, Honduras July 12, 2009.[Agencies] ?But the interim president, installed by Honduras' Congress after the June 28 military coup that deposed Zelaya, repeated his position that Zelaya would not be reinstated as president "under any conditions."This signaled Micheletti's continuing defiance of international condemnation of the coup and calls from the Organization of American States, the United States and the United Nations General Assembly for Zelaya to be restored to office.Honduras' Congress and Supreme Court ordered the army to remove Zelaya last month, arguing he had violated the country's constitution by attempting to lift presidential term limits.
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